Offer /
Passive investment

We all have an opinion on global economic developments, but in reality no one can predict them consistently. We have the humility to accept our limitations, so with a passive investment approach, we focus on what we are able to control...


Using the efficiency of the market to our advantage
We put together a highly diversified portfolio comprising over 3,000 stocks and bonds. This index allows you to participate fully in market developments. We regularly monitor your portfolio and rebalance systematically. You can accept market fluctuations, knowing that price trends will offset each other long-term.

At a glance

An investment model that is: 

  • No "greed and fear"-investing
  • Systematic, rules-based and disciplined
  • Cost-efficient
  • Easy to follow
  • Proven by reseach
  • Long track record
  • Robust embedded risk management

What we believe
‘Investing doesn't have to be complex. Often, people fail as they lack the necessary focus and discipline, and because they are influenced by their emotions.’
Ronnie Weber
Founder / Co-Head Passive Investing


Knowledge of the market*

Over the last 50 years, 75% of the time the US market was up. But, instead of seeing the long-term potential of the market, many investors focus on the 25% of the time when the market was down.  

*S&P 500




Performance of CHF 1 Mio. initial investment in a LeoVest equity mandate since 2007

Discover the investment success of our passive mandate solutions – fees included! 

Performance Statement


Ready to get started? We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Yves Hauser  


Passive or active investment?

You don’t want to commit to one or the other just yet? Split your assets between these two approaches, and let the performance speak for itself.

Find out more about our active approach
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